Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Two Older Ones

A couple of weeks ago Thomas finished all 7 Harry Potter books, I'm one proud mom. He also read the Cursed Child so he's officially a Potterhead. Oliver also was a star student this first of the school year and had Champ for the weekend, he was pretty excited about that. Both kids are really liking school this year.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Two Little Ones

 Now that the two older kids are at school I try to keep the two little ones busy. We try to go the park everyday and one day we went to the children's garden. It's been fun just hanging out with these two I'm going to miss these days I feel like time is slipping by so fast.

New School Year

The two older kids started last month! It's crazy to think I have two kids in school now. We lucked out this year and my kids have awesome teachers this year. Oliver has the same kindergarten teacher that Thomas had and we just love her. Both kids are really liking school so far. Man, I love these two kids.