Sunday, March 24, 2019

Turning 30

Earlier this week I turned the BIG 3-0!
That happened fast, but I am excited for my thirties.
The past month I have reflected the last decade of my life and I have been greatly blessed and it's been fun to look back to see what all I have achieved. Dustin and I started dating when I was 19 so this has been ten birthdays together. We got engaged, got married, had Thomas 11 months later, and graduated from college 3 weeks after that. Several moves, a house, and more kids. This past decade has been mainly birthing children, ha ha. But I'm excited for this next stage in my life. Anyway, here are some pictures from the last decade.


Neal and Becca Johnson said...

Happy birthday, Jess! You are gorgeous!

Brianna said...

Loved this post. It's so fun to see the kids grow up. And you get more beautiful every year! (inside and out)