Sunday, April 12, 2009


The Amazing eggs.... I know they are the best eggs you have ever seen!
Bri with her three eggs!
Dustin with his three eggs, the orange one is his "starburst" one. It was the same color as the starbursts we were eating.
My three eggs, they look better in person! The middle one was a bunny face!
Paul, just being so proud of his eggs, but I think mine are better!
This was the egg I took a lot of time making, Bri said I was trying to be too art-sy! But it turned out way cool, I'm proud of my egg!
Paul taking his sweet time, I think one egg he had in the blue one the whole time, so the others didn't really get a chance to use that blue.
Dustin and I showing our eggs!

For Easter Dustin and I doubled with Paul and Bri and we dyed( I think that's how you spell it?) easter eggs, it was a lot of fun. Even though I think everyone dropped one of their eggs, so we had a lot of cracked eggs. I think that Paul and I took the dying Easter eggs too seriously, we went too technical and spend way too long getting it just the right color!!!! -It must run in the family.
I love Easter! And I'm so grateful for my Savior and I'm grateful to celebrate his resurrection!

1 comment:

Winston said...

cute eggs! it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!