Earlier this week Dustin headed to the Dallas area for some job interviews and took Thomas with him since they were going to stay with Dustin's parents and some of Thomas' cousins were up there; so we figured he would have more fun up there, and it would give me a chance to work on my art while Oliver took his naps. Even though I missed Dustin and Thomas it was fun to have one-on-one time with Oliver. And it was kinda nice having just a baby to look after, just think that used to seem a lot of work taking care of one baby but now that's almost a break to me!
So Oliver and I got to hang out together and he was a great helper while I was folding laundry:

On his way back from Dallas, Dustin stopped at Round Rock to get one of Texas' biggest donuts! I heard about these donuts and have been wanting to get one but when we went last time it was closed for the day (they close at 4) so I asked Dustin to stop by there because I wanted to try these famous donuts.
And it was way good! It doesn't look good, but it was delicious and it was huge! We took a picture of it by Oliver trying to show how big it was.
And I might have ate half of it in one setting...

And some good news...
Dustin got a job!!! We have known for about a week now but it's technically not official till Monday so he wanted me to keep it on a down low, so I probably shouldn't put it on here but I'm guessing not too many people read my blog anyway. It was his first interview and all! Before he left here he had about 2 interviews set up and was trying to get some more while he was there, and he got a call from one of the principles in the town we lived in before we moved here, in San Antonio, and asked if she could see him before his other interviews and when he got there she told him he can have the art teacher job if he wanted it! So he took it and canceled his other appointments! We are very excited! It's a great town and we are close to family.
We feel greatly blessed because it's perfect for us at this time of our lives, and many people told us that we probably wouldn't know where we were going until August so we thought we were going to do interview after interview for this next month, but now we have a job, so we will stay here in San Antonio till end of this month than move back! And hopefully this will be a last move for a little while, it will be our third move within a year!
Anyway, feeling greatly blessed!