Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Picnic at Celebration

This year's Easter was a lot of fun. Since we have moved here in Orlando, we have had every holiday with just us three, that I have come to realize how much work it is to be the mom. Mom's are the one's that plan a head, get everything for the holiday, cook a meal, make dessert... etc... this makes me appreciate my mom and my mom-in-law that much more and look up to them, and I hope one day I can  be like them. 

With that said, it is also fun to be the mom, and just have us three because we can start our own traditions, and I have to be little more creative sometimes. 
This is year I decided to be more laid back and just do a picnic instead of a huge meal, I don't think I will do this every Easter but this year we did. We won't always be here and I thought it would be perfect to have our "Easter dinner" at Celebration, which is a little town I have fallen in love with, if we could I would live here, maybe when we retire....?

I thought our picnic went well, we had egg salad sandwiches, salad, fruit, raspberry cream salad, home-made rolls, and cupcakes. 

Getting all set up for our picnic. 

I love this picture! Dustin did such a good job, he doesn't use the camera as much as me, but sometimes he can get that Kodak shot, and this one I just ADORE!

In Thomas' Easter basket he got some bubbles, and can I just say they were a hit! 

My little stud.

It was hard to get him interested in hunting for eggs after the bubbles, so here's Dustin helping him, 

and this is what he does next: 

Throws them!

Again, back to the bubbles.

Than he dumps it, that didn't take very long.

As I mentioned before, I love this town, here are some pictures of some houses. We were going to go on a walk so I could take more pictures, but Thomas was getting cranky, so these are just a couple pictures I took as we were driving back home. 

We had a great Easter! 
I'm so grateful for our Savior and the Atonement. 
We are truly blessed. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seriously cant get over how much I love your pictures!! THey make me soooo excited for mine! You are one talented little lady JESS!! Love you!